2021-2025 Executive Committee
To contact a specific committee member, please email [email protected] with "attn: Member Name" in the subject line.
CORE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President: Agnes Kucharska Is one of three signing officers, signs all correspondence which is sent on behalf of the Affiliate. Guides Affiliate activities, organizes, and chairs Executive Committee (EC) meetings. President-Elect: OPEN Is in training for the position of the President. May fill in during an absence of the President. Treasurer: Wendy Tate Is one of two signing officers on financial documents. Manages the financial activities of the Affiliate and prepares an oral financial report for each EC meeting, reports the financial status of the Affiliate regularly to TESL Ontario and annually to the membership at the Affiliate AGM. Is responsible for pre- and on-site registration of the membership for Affiliate-organized professional development activities, and creates and stores a backup of all financial statements. Recording Secretary: Emily Imbrogno Records minutes of EC meetings and electronically distributes them to all members of the Committee. Functions as Parliamentarian for the Committee, and maintains electronic and hard copies of all minutes and correspondence. Affiliate Representative: Agnes Kucharska Attends Affiliate Representative meetings and occasional TESL Ontario Board meetings, liaises between TESL Ontario and the Affiliate, and informs the EC of AR meeting dates. Responds to membership queries that come through the Affiliate e-mail system or directs them to the appropriate EC members. Liaises and facilitates communication amongst Affiliates. Membership Secretary: Rebecca Maloney Promotes TESL membership, prepares an oral membership report for each EC meeting, reports the Membership statistics annually to the membership at the Affiliate AGM. Attends TESL Ontario Affiliate Membership Secretaries’ meetings to represent the affiliate and reports to the Executive. Maintains a list of members in attendance at TESL H-W PD events for eventual reporting to TESL ON, maintains a list of Affiliate members who are interested in volunteer opportunities in the organization, and forwards names to the appropriate sub-committee chairs. OTHER EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS (NON-CORE EXECUTIVE) Professional Development Committee Director: Rebecca Maloney Member: Agnes Kucharska Facilitates the planning and implementation of the Spring Conference and other PD activities, if possible, each year. Manages communication with PD presenters from the invitation to the day of presentation, co-ordinates with other Committee members or with volunteers for event management (invitations, locale, all incidental details & arrangements). Requests insurance from TESL Ontario for appropriate coverage, updates the presenters on the projected final numbers for Conference or other workshops three-five days before the event. Coordinates the compilation of PD evaluation results with Committee members and submits a final Report at the AGM. Communications Committee Director: OPEN Member: Mandeep Somal, Rebecca Maloney Maintains and monitors all communications on the TESL HW website and social media pages. Creates and distributes communications for larger events including annual conference. Coordinates volunteers working on various communication-oriented activities for the affiliate. Holds monthly communications committee meetings. Social Committee Director: Jeniffer Small Member: Agnes Kucharska Coordinates volunteers in the Social Committee to organize, staff, and “cater” Affiliate social events. Arranges for refreshments at affiliate meetings, the Conference(s), the AGM and/or PD workshops or events. Volunteer Committee Director: OPEN Member: OPEN Recruits and monitors all affiliate volunteers and coordinates volunteer activities on behalf of the EC. Holds regular volunteer committee meetings. |
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